File puptcrit/puptcrit.1004, message 209

From: "Mark S. Segal" <>
To: <>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2010 21:01:41 -0400
Subject: Re: [Puptcrit] Subject: politically correct again

Agree with Hobey about avoiding doing that which is um distressing to 
What difference does it make if you can't get hired?
Would not put the character away  but would suggest finding another way of 
And while it might be romanticized (now) being a hobo, or a tramp or a 
Freddie the Freeloader (Red Skelton's great character)...
was not a lot of fun...dangerous and scary...akin to what homelessness is. 
Kids (especially in urban areas - or going through ) do see homeless people 
and it does scare them. The injustice of it is also disconcerting.
Have always been fond of the ragpicker type character (Madwoman of Chaillot) 
and pushcart types (from Europe) - beggars in some traditional folk stories 
(again from Europe) - um hoboes as that mystical, magical, wise fool. Tried 
doing it years ago   - an UTTER FAILURE. Mainly because unbeknownst to me 
what the audience was relating to was not what I was presenting.
I was presenting a magical, wise, storytelling fool (at least that is what I 
thought) and they were seeing a homeless person....
This was for an audience that knew me and my work....
They hated it !
It was an uncomfortable lesson.

Mark S.

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