File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9903, message 298

From: "Ali Kazmi" <>
Subject: Re: There's never an aircraft carrier around when...
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 10:06:20 +0500

Carpoid wrote

>islamic fundamental nationalists there.  Then again, I can't imagine them
>coming in on the U$/UK side.  Is there some strange
>anti-colonial/anti-imperial movement afoot that the corporate media isn't
>letting us trapped with U$ teevee know about?

Nope, the admirals just have a new toy they are playing with. What they are
going to
do with it .... who knows? At least they are having fun.

>How come I can't have an aircraft carrier if everybody else gets one?

Forget the aircraft carrier, I saw this movie "Cube" today, got to get me
one of those. Have a Cube in my back yard. yeah - fitting demise for the
enemies of the non-state. No more "off with their heads" its "into the Cube,
you hierarchical freak, and gimme that scientific calculator!"



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