File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9903, message 741

Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 08:23:35 -0500
From: Unka Bart <>
Subject: Re: US employs new "top secret" weapon

>> Um, this "superweapon" was used to great effect in The War To Make The
>>  Wirld Safe For Emirs.  Imagine millions of long thin strips of
>>  foil-covered chaff floating down over powerlines.  Imagine some of these
>>  strips falling perpindicular to the powerlines and touching two wires at
>>  once.
>>  "See the pretty sparks?  Hear the transformers go `BOOM'?  Hey?  Who
>>  turned out the lights?"
>>  It wirked amazingly well then.  My guess is it does just fine now, too.

> Yeah, but I don't think that is it this time. That would leave evidence, of
>which there was none in this case. An EMP would be more efficient and just as
>effective. As for being a Super weapon, well that remains to be determined.
>I'm sure that somebody could figure out the idea of "shielded" circuitry.

Well, you understand that I'm just a poor ol' country boy, but it is my
understanding that the only technology that has been successful to date,
for the production of wide-spread EMP (widely enough spread to be effective
as a weapon on the scale you are speaking), requires a nuclear detonation.
The last nuclear detonation used as a weapon occurred in 1945.

But tell us, what did you find?  When, that is, you made your on-site
investigation and determined that there was no evidence of the chaff of
which brother Carpo spoke?

Yer Kindly Ol' Unka Bart


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