File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9903, message 932

From: Dave Coull <>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 18:43:03 GMT
Subject: Re: Trivial Pursuit Test for Dave

Andy wrote

>Name the World Waugh 2 novel with a Yugoslavian setting.

Maidenhead Revisited ?

>Where did Bakunin marry?

He didn't ?

>Name Bill Shankly's first club as a semi-pro.

Liverpuddle ?

>What unorthodox use were Charles 1's vertebrae put to?

Somebody tried to tie his head back on by attaching wires
to them ?

>Which team  holds the record for goals scored in one Scottish league 

Bon Accord ?

Okay, okay, so maybe I don't have so much to be smug about
after all. But I bet I could come up with a list of questions which
_you_  wouldn't be able to answer ! (If I didn't have more important
things to do, like stopping wars, abolishing tuition fees, and 
spending hours chatting to Keri. Oh, and studying for exams.)



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