File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 10

Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 07:31:32 -0500
From: Unka Bart <>
Subject: "Jewish bankers"

>> so it was "jewish bankers" who bankrolled hitler!!!!!!

>You know, that there are only 3 exemplares of S. Warburg "Who finance
>Hitler"? S. Warburg is the son of holder of the Warburg bank with offices
>in Berlin, Hamburg and New York. The Hitler party is at this moment a
>extrem group without great parlamentarian influence at the ballot box
>(only 1-3%). S. Warburg, a jew, have arrangend the first connection
>between american bankers and Hitler. We speak about the time 1920/21.

A point here, Nico.  The paragraph above is better, than the one you just
sent to Carop, but still guilty of what you get your own knickers in such a
serious knot about.  In your reply to Carp, you said

>> Get this:  The "Jewish" banking cabal is bullshit.  It never existed.  Of
>> course you can find books that say the Holocaust never happened too, but
>> this is beside the point.  Only True American Nuts who hide in Idaho and
>> Missouri and Arkansas think the jews caused WWII.
>Simon Warburg have wrote the book "Who finance Hitler". Simon Warburg was
>a son of the founder of the jewish Warburg Bank with offices in Berlin,
>Hamburg and New York. Simon Warburg have arrange the contact between not-
>jewish american bankers and Adolf Hitler. Okay -- you are right in that
>point that the money wasn't from the jewish side.

Now the point here, dear Nico, is that "Jewish" is a religious and cultural
identification that is not related to one's occupation.  It matters not a
fig in any discussion not involving the state of Israel; and only then
because Israel is a self-avowed Jewish state.  Your persistent  usage of
this term is, now wait for it....


I realize you don't think of yourself as rascist and don't mean to be so,
so watch what you say.  When I earlier used the term "Jap," I did not do so
either in a rascist manner for to me, "Jap" was like "Jew;" merely a
shorter and more convenient way of saying "Japanese" or "Jewish."  Yet I
also see that others find the word "Jap" to be rascist (I still don't, but
that's beside the point), as since they find it rascist, they find it
offensive (as I find your useage of the modifier "Jewish" in a discussion
unrelated to religion or culture) and I apologized.

Think about it...



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