File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 108

Date: Sat, 03 Apr 1999 17:29:25 -0500
From: roger <>
Subject: Re: The Anarchist Attitude To War

Dave Coull wrote:


> and Roger commented
> >Dave, i hope you are just tired.  otherwise repeating this
> >right-wing, aryan nation crap would seriously threaten
> >your credibility.

<snip history of anti-fascist pedigree>

> To accuse me of "repeating right-wing, aryan nation crap"
> is, as anybody who knows me will realise, inaccurate, insulting,
> and ridiculous. What I stated was plain straightforward anarchism.
> Now, I do realise that anarchism is probably a minority viewpoint
> on the anarchy-list, so you might consider it "simplistic"
> anarchism. But if you do, then you should call it that,
> instead of using this really nasty "nazi" smear.
> Dave

 well, Dave, i honestly don't know if you are being disingenuous or just
naive.  obviously, i don't think you are a fascist of any stripe, nor
did i say so.  but you ARE quoting the party line on the Holocaust, at
least as it is presented by norte americano skinhead/neo-nazis.  if you
want the url addresses for the web sites, they aren't all that hard to

let's just cut the crap.  you've got yourself so twisted around that i'm
surprised you haven't kissed your own ass.  let me just ask you this:
suppose some terrible night there's a knock on *your* door.  as they
haul you and your family off to the concentration camp are you asking us
to believe that you would REJECT the help of state military forces (no
matter their motivation) that might come to your aid????   don't even
bother to answer.  it's obvious that you, like me or anyone, would
accept the help of the devil himself, if not for your own sake then to
save the lives of your children.  so why are you so ready to choose for
the kosovars?  you know as well as i do that the vast majority would
welcome nato intervention.

we might disagree on the efficacy of state military forces intervening
in the balkans, as well as on the morality of it.  but don't try to come
on with this 'more anarchist than thou' bullshit.  you don't have a
monopoly on the anarchist conscience.  your concern seems to lie
exclusively in the realm of your relationship with the state in which
you reside.  fine.  i can relate to that.  you aren't going to support
blair, et. al. no matter what the circumstances.  but my point is that
the view from pristina is vastly different and an anarchist there might
not agree with you.

this past week has been a real eye-opener for me.  i think i can begin
to understand how the Holocaust came about.  it's easy as fuck to ignore
systematic evil.  all you have to do is . . . . ignore it.



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