File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 109

Date: Sat, 03 Apr 1999 17:29:16 -0500
From: roger <>
Subject: Re: A few stats on the Balkans.

Nico MYOWNA wrote:


> --Estimated number of persons killed in Kosovo last year: 2,000

first of all, i apologize for confusing you with catawkin in an earlier response;
you did sign your name and i just failed to see it.

Nico, what is your point?  are you DEFENDING the serb government's actions in
kosovo or merely trying to minimize the scale of death and destruction?


> This is indead *a big diffrent* between Hitler and Milosevic.: It's seem that
> it is an expulsion, not a genocide in Kosovo....

yeah there is:  hitler is dead.  i take it that you don't have a problem with

 it is perfectly possible to oppose the actions of nato, for any number of good

    1) some feel it is immoral to bomb innocent serb civilians who have no
control over the actions of their government.

     2) some feel it would be ineffective to bomb serbia as it will only harden
their resolve to ethnically cleanse kosovo.

    3)  some (Dave for instance) think that even if military action helped the
kosovars (which Dave does not agree is even possible), it would still be wrong to
support it because that support strengthens and legitimizes nato and the states

fine.  i have no problem with any of these arguments as such.  reasonable people,
even reasonable anarchists can and do hold these views.  but i reject your
efforts to minimize what the serbian security forces are doing to the kosovars.
it's ugly and it's happening.  stop trying to deny the obvious.  you can use
whatever tortured logic you choose to underpin your arguments but i find it
offensive to read this crap.



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