File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 110

Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1999 18:30:03 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Re: The Anarchist Attitude To War

Having just endorsed soviet designed small arms due to their simplicity I
must now leap into the fray...

On Sat, 3 Apr 1999, Aaron Micheau wrote:

> By all accounts Milosevic is more popular now than before the
> bombing, the Russians are making noises about supporting Serbia, 

Good.  If NATO does send in troops (hell, +all+ troops is "ground" troops
at some point) the best thing that could possibly happen is that they face
a Yugoslavian military just chock full of russian and soviet
heqavy equipment.  Anything above the rpg is crap.  This would mean fewer
casualties becasue the war would be over very quickly.

Seriously.  When some group like the KLA has +no+ armor or anti-air, that
russian stuff beats the opposition hands down.  But take any western armor
or anti-air system and put it up against the western stuff and it becomes

> At this rate, after the action is over, there won't be any Albanians left
> in Kosovo to protect.  Is that what you mean?

They walked out, can they not walk back?

And for what it's wirth, this really ain't much of a bombing "campaign."  

Furthermore, I try to keep this all in perspective but when the serb
foreign minister came on talking about how there were "civilians" on the
bridge that got knocked down last night and then the next story is about
how now over 500,000 muslim albanians have been ran out of the country I
just kind of get pissed off.  I mean out of those 500,000 how many
*weren't* civilians?

The serbs really are bullshitters of the highest magnitude.  

What's ironic here on the list is how when Agent_Zero posted that list of
"nigger jokes," everybody went ballistic.  Or how about when some nutto 
right-winger proposes a white seperatist state or says we ought to run the
black americans out of america.  Doesn't eveyone in the wirld jump on the
U$ then as we all must be racist?

Now though, a bunch of white folk run a bunch of muslims out of an entire
nation and the left apologists come running out shrieking about how it's
unseemly and illegal to intervene.

Double standards, anyone?


ps:  B92 just had their site advertised by CNN.  Don't look to get through
for a bit, although I find a lot of it shrill hyperbole.  Hell, there
hasn't been 10 bomb hits in Belgrade and you'd think it's London during
the blitz or Dresden all over again.

Maybe I am going to have start posting to that inter-nationa-list I


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