File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 121

Date: 03 Apr 1999 22:43:00 +0200
From: (Nico MYOWNA)
Subject: Re: Zagreb Anarchist Movement on Yugoslavia 29.3.99

Okay, carp, maybee you are tired of being helpless. So I'm or everybody  
else on this list. Bud *everybody* -- Serbs too -- have the right on his  
own oppinion. I'm only the person, who send this stuff to this list with- 
out censorship.
> > 2)And one more great thing in which NATO "helped" us. Capital
> > punishment (or death penalty). It has recently been abolished from
> > Yugoslav Constitution and I find it as a one of the biggest successes
> > of our hard fighting for democracy, constitutionalism and normal life
> > values. Tonight, Minister of Justice in Srebian Government, mister
> > Dragoljub Jankovic proposed that it should be introduced again while
> > we have the State of War. I don't have reasons to doubt that it will
> > be introduced in these circumstances (no independent electronic media
> > and press, civil society is almost completely isolated and destroyed).
> Okay, Nico, it's late and I'm tired and I'm tired of being helpless about
> what's going on and I'm even more tired of telling people I'm tired, but
> this has to be the wirst godamn piece of of propoganda since Saddam
> Hussein started hugging those british kids on TV when he was calling them
> "guests" but wouldn't let them leave.

Okay, carp, why does you beliefe without proof that the serbian state is a  
"fascist dictatur" without civil rights? Because the US-government or NATO- 
headquaters tell us that Milosevic is a new "Hitler"? Why does you beliefe  
that there isn't a movement in Serbia against Milosevic for democracy, con- 
stitutionalism and more freedom? -- Doesn't you remember the pictures of  
great demonstrations against the falsifications of the election result two  
or three years ago?
> So does this person really think we are stupid?  Do they really expect us
> to believe that all of those dead muslims in Bosnia killed in the Serb war

Doesn't compare apples with pears. Both serbian government with the ser- 
bian allies in Bosnia and the serbian opposition are diffrent from each  
other. The Serbs in Bosnia have been a yugoslavian ally, not a part of the  
Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia, isn't it? Two parlaments, two elections,  
two national leaders. So the Yugoslavian constitution wasn't in force in  

Again, you doesn't whant that we judge about "americans", because this  
people should be diffrent from the actions of their government, but we  
should in your oppinion judge about "Serbs" without differentation be-  
tween the serbian resistance/opposition and the serbian government? --  
Should in correspondence with your oppinion all Serbs of the serbian re- 
sistance say:"Yes, it is right that the NATO destroy our working places,  
our infrastructures and partly our relatives, because the army, which we  
combat, does under the leading of Milosevic a war crime in Kosovo and  
therefore we must all be fascist bastards against our ideals"?
> Do they really think we've forgotten the mass graves?  Do they really
> think we've forgotten the attack on Srbrnka or however you spell it, when
> it was an Open City and the death of 40,000 muslim men?  Do they really
> think we've forgotten those Canadian and Dutch UN peacekeepers (this was
> before NATO) staked to the ground in front of Serb military hardware?

> These people are as nationalist as I am, and bigger liars to boot.
> It is incredible to read that Serbia/Yugoslavia has no death penalty
> and for this reason we should protect these fascist bastards when
> the head negotiator for the Albanian muslims was taken out and summarily
> shot last weekend by Serb forces.
> It is even more incredible to think the hundreds of thousands of refugees
> who are fleeing ahead of the "ethnic cleansing" killers are lying to us
> about why they are leaving.

Sorry, carp, this sounds a little bit to much like "Only a death Serb is a  
good Serb"! All ethnic cleansing killers in Kosovo are members of the  
serbian army or of paramilitary groups and not part of the opposite resi- 
stance movement in Serbia against Milosevic and his war.

How many deceases by war have been in Kosovo last year? The senators of  
the US-government could name only 2000! And how many deceases have been  
until April 1999? The albanian Human Right report name only a number of  
1350 deceases by war and genocide until 01.04.1999.
> I was over being pissed off at your naivete last night, nico.  But if you
> believe this kind of crap and don't question it and pass it on, you are
> HELPING the KILLERS even more than if you were fueling NATO bombers.  NATO
> has killed, maybe, hundreds of Serbs, maybe.  Serbia has killed tens of
> thousands of muslim CITIZENS of Yugoslavia.

How could you know this? You wrote tens of thousands -- a number of decea- 
ses between 10 000 and 100 000...In fact this are nearly *1 350*. Right,  
this is a war crime against the international law -- but you gave your  
argumentation more color with overdo by pour petrol into this war fire.  
You act so like a *war-instigator*. You wrote like Bob Black with his de-  
famations against muslims to put Hogshire in a inferior position.
> And they don't have a +death penalty+?

If a state doesn't whant to give his citiziens partly civil rights, they  
call for 'state of emergency' or 'state of material law' in this part of  
his terretory! It's mean that no civil right is applicable in this area of  
'state of emergency' or 'state of material law'....

So Yugoslavia could in his civil law in fact haven't a death penalty, but  
this isn't applicable in Kosovo....

Doesn't you know this in the States???


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