File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 123

Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 01:37:50 -0800
From: "Senex R. Rupicapra" <>
Subject: Re: Why Tony Needed A War

roger wrote:

> don't sell our eurotrash cuz's short; i just heard tony
> the tiger blair promise in no uncertain terms to the
> kosovars that john bull will make everthing all right soon. 
> he all but guaranteed that nato will push serbia out of
> kosovo.  i have a pretty good idea of who's troops he plans
> to use.
> ok, i reckon it's still about a 50/50 chance that clinton/
> blair will wimp out in the clutch, but in case they don't,
> well, that means a real war.  i'm drunk enough to deal with
> this now, so we might as well plan it out:

[SNIP reasonable interesting game plan]

> well, the century might as well end for europe in the
> bloody balkans, it's  where it began.  what the fuck is
> it with serbia?  they had only been a god damn state for
> two fucking years before they managed to start the big
> one in 1914?  i'm sick of the standard line that "oh, it's
> too complicated to explain the balkans," or "the hatreds
> there go back centuries, what can you do," and other such
> drivel.  the hatreds in the balkans go back exactly as
> far as the births of the people who hold them.  same as
> every fucking place else.  and if a dumb ass hillbilly
> like me can tell the difference between an Indigenous
> Native (the greeks called 'em illyrians and that's what
> many call themselves) and a bunch of cutthroat johnny-
> come-lately slavs that have only been there a few measly
> hundred years, then so can anybody.  right.
> well, i'm not saying i'm happy about it, and it may yet
> not happen, but i suspect that the serbs will soon have
> a new defeat to celebrate.  the mantle is getting full of
> second place trophies:  kosovo 1389 (followed by a short
> hiatus from competition), austria-hungary 1914, germany 1941
> . . . and now this.  sigh.  what goethe said about the krauts
> applies here:  "how can those qualities that are so estimable
> in the individual be so wretched in the generality?"  i'll
> drink to that.

	the basic prollem with Klinton/Blare in that they
having trouble deciding on whether to do the wrong thing
for the right reason, or the right thing for the wrong 
reason.  dont expect clarification from these wankers
any time soon.  ever time one o 'em opens his mouth the
objective changes. even the NATO mouthpieces can't keep
from contradicting one another.
	as for the Srbs:  the fault, dear Roger, lies not
in their stars but in theyselfs, that they are Slavs--the 
onliest ethnics on God's Green Earth stupider than the Irish.

	old (did he really say that?) goat.
       "Quoi que vous fassiez, écrasez l'infâme,
	et aimez qui vous aime."  --Voltaire


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