File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 128

From: "Dave Coull" <>
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 16:42:05 GMT
Subject: Re: Why Tony Needed A War

Erik asked (about the Kosovo Liberation Army)

>Speaking of this "army". How come this smaal bunch 
>could get so quickly armed in such a short time? 
>Two years ago they didn' exist. What geopolitical 
>power was behind this ?

Maybe it was a geopolitical power, and maybe
it was private capital. For instance, it is no secret
that there are Saudi Arabian millionaires who 
are prepared to fund the odd jihad (provided 
the correct path is followed). 

Whatever the source of funding, the KLA certainly
got a lot from somewhere quite quickly. I saw
pictures on BBC television of them "training" 
and showing off their hardware. They all had 
smart black uniforms with Albanian flag shoulder 
flashes, shiny boots, and mean looking weaponry. 
They also had officers shouting orders, and "discipline". 
I don't know who supplied the funds, or what the strings 
attached were, but I do know they sure as hell did not 
look even remotely like an anarchist people's militia.



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