File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 14

From: "Dave Coull" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 16:38:00 GMT
Subject: Re: Anarchy list (who are you,why did you come here)

>My friend mike seems to have a problem with your anarchy list 
>and is disgusted with you.

So what ?

>Why did you send him a letter that is not translated in proper 
>English ? because he did seem to take offense to that

I didn't send your friend Mike anything.
I sent a message to the anarchy-list.
Your friend Mike must have joined 
the anarchy-list quite voluntarily, 
of his own free will, or he would 
not have received my message. 
As for not being in English, are you 
aware that the anarchy-list is an international 
list, with members in dozens of different 
countries, and that for most of the ten years 
it has been in existence it has been run from 
Amsterdam, which is in the Netherlands ? 
It so happens that most posts to the anarchy-list 
happen to be in English. But they don't 
have to be. If your friend MIke doesn't want 
to receive messages from me, there are 
three things he can do :

(1) he can set up a mechanism for his computer
      to automatically delete messages from
      my e-mail address, or

(2) if he doesn't know how to do that, he can
      send a   _polite_   message to the anarchy-list
      asking somebody to help him in setting
      it up, or 

(3) he can un-subscribe from the anarchy-list.

>I consider myself one of the anarchist 
>with the most knowledge of the subject. 

Well, it is quite obvious that there are 
  _very_   big gaps in your knowledge.

>The thing is that I have a few questions 
>for you myself and they are as follows...

I am under no obligation to answer 
your questions, but I might if I happen
to feel like it.

>Are you from Yugoslavia?


>Are you an anarchist?

I have been involved with the anarchist movement
for thirty six years. During that time there have been 
periods when I have been very active, and periods
when I have been less active. 

>Do you hate mike for what he has done to you?


>Do you follow the teachings of Che Guevera?

No. Che Guevara was a Marxist. I'm an anarchist.

>Are you a communist? (if you are please tell why.)

No, not in the sense that you are using the term.
I don't have time to go into long explanations, 
I have more important things to do.
Take a look at the Anarchist FAQ.
Will somebody on the list please 
send this guy the address of the
Anarchist FAQ so that he can learn
a bit about anarchism ?

>Do you hate Americans?

No. My first wife was American,
my children have American passports,
and I am engaged to be married 
to another American woman.
Of course I don't hate Americans.

>and last but not least
>will you be my friend? 

Probably not. It takes a long time
for me to make friends with anybody,
and you have made a bad start.

>Thomas the master anarchist 

There is no such thing as a "master anarchist".
It is a contradiction in terms.


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