File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 143

Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 21:50:02 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Re: Why Tony Needed A War

On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Erik wrote:

> At 22:07 -0500 03-04-1999, danceswithcarp wrote:

> >Naw, damn near every european I've seen email from is convinced the U$ is
> >the bad guy and europeans do no worng.
> I'm afraid this seems how you saw things even before this whole debate
> started (ain't we all a titsy bitsy nationalist ?). 

"We are all prisoners of our ethnicity."
                        Tad Kepley

> But the biggest question is : how come nationalism seems so deeply rooted
> that convicted anti-authoritarians feel the need to defend politics that
> never were theirs ? Why do we, as an international group of people fall so
> easily in the lines of nationalism ?

I asked this question the other day.  But since then I've been thinking
about how the accusation of "nationalism" is the easiest one to make and
appear half-assed true.

If I say something about belchum that is so outlandish and untrue that you
feel obligated just to set the record straight--whether it was belchum or
not you would feel obligated to do this, but in this case it's belchum and
you still feel obligated.  Yet the minute that you, a sprout, says
something that appears to be in defense of belchum, I can call you a
"nationalist, pig-fucking dog." You can easily disprove that you are a
pig-fucking dog, but I nailed your ass on the nationalist charge. Neh?

Same-same me and the U$.  Over a week ago I said I thought the impetus for
this whole war came from the UK and France and Grrrmoney.  Everyone called
me a nationalist pig-fucking dog.  Well, we all know I'm not a

So today Dave Coull says the main push is coming from Blair.  

Go figure.  

And we know Dave is a scot nationalist, but we accept that.  How come?

<snip the rest of a post I generally agreed with, especially the shot at
the frogs being arms dealers supreme.  Sometimes I think they go
door-to-door trying to make a sale.

But I won't ever forgive them for being pigs because they moved my
sister's job from here to Mexico for a lousy $10 a TV set.



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