File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 145

Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 22:57:58 -0500
From: lbekich-AT-MNSi.Net (Larry Bekich)
Subject: Bullshitting Serbs

was "The Anarchist Attitude To War"

(Sorry for not responding to replies to my links from a week or so ago, I
was out of town, and have been wading through hundreds of messages since
then ...  Wishing to be as current and relevant as possible, I offer my
"slanted" comments ...)

Carp writes ...

>Furthermore, I try to keep this all in perspective but when the serb
>foreign minister came on talking about how there were "civilians" on the
>bridge that got knocked down last night and then the next story is about
>how now over 500,000 muslim albanians have been ran out of the country I
>just kind of get pissed off.  I mean out of those 500,000 how many
>*weren't* civilians?

>The serbs really are bullshitters of the highest magnitude.

I think there *IS* a lot of bullshitting going on, it's a war afterall.
But surely you have to admit, everyone is bullshitting.

Speaking of pissed off, I was kind of pissed off a few years ago when
400,000 Serbs were turfed from Croatia--including most of my relatives.
That was messy.  They were begrudgingly accepted by Serbia--but it wasn't a
big welcoming party as you can imagine.

>What's ironic here on the list is how when Agent_Zero posted that list of
>"nigger jokes," everybody went ballistic.  Or how about when some nutto
>right-winger proposes a white seperatist state or says we ought to run the
>black americans out of america.  Doesn't eveyone in the wirld jump on the
>U$ then as we all must be racist?

>Now though, a bunch of white folk run a bunch of muslims out of an entire
>nation and the left apologists come running out shrieking about how it's
>unseemly and illegal to intervene.

What of the consequences of nato's mission here? What comes after?  Nato
countries imposing THEIR economic and political will on Yugoslavia?  An
occupational army?  Surely you can understand the lunacy of that.  Those of
you who have been in favour of this invasion, and a possible future
escalated ground troup assault, seem unconcerned with the aftereffects.

A good friend of mine said that right now in Yugoslavia they are behind
Milosevic, tomorrow they will HATE him.  I took it to mean that if the
world is against them, they might as well fight back. From their
perspective the world is out to destroy them--not Milosevic.

I have no admiration for Milosevic and I am not a serb apologist, but I
don't think there is any point in demonizing serbs or saying they are
"bullshitters of the highest magnitude."  There seems to have been great
effort on this list recently in singling out the "balkan" mindset or
mythologizing the "mad serb."

I have to admit, nato's invasion has sure kick-started this list.



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