File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 148

Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 01:59:45 EDT
Subject: Back from the spring break from hell

 Hey everybody, I just got back in town. I had to spend the whole week in 
Alabama so my mom could paint with one of her old friends. I was completely 
bored out of my mind, and had no internet access, much less drugs or 
cigarettes. I got back last night to be five minutes from death thanks to a 
tornado. we were coming down the interstate into Shreveport when the weather 
got bad, and dad called on the cellphone to tell us to be careful, cause 
there were tornado warnings out. We stopped by the grocery store to pick up 
dinner, and the power went out while we were in there. When we finally got 
checked out, we got caught in a big traffic jam on the highway up to our 
house. When we got to the front of it, we saw about an eighth of a mile 
stretch of devastation; trees were all over the road, houses torn up pretty 
bad, a hardware store was completely leveled, and a family in a truck hauling 
a boat were two inches away from being crushed by trees that fell both in 
front and behind them. The tornado was what caused the power outage in the 
store. if we hadn't been delayed, we'd have been at ground zero when the 
thing hit. I really lead a charmed existance. The twister went on to level a 
trailer park and a ritzy neighborhood in the next parish. When I got in, my 
friend Adrian called and said the same tornado started on her street and 
leveled houses two doors down on both sides of her. For the rest of the night 
the weather was bad, and we discovered a strange leak by our fireplace which 
we think the high winds might have caused. Today, the same thing happened 
again; the tornados and storms in almost the exact same places. Our leak got 
worse, and a good portion of the wall above our mantle is soaked, and a big 
spot of paint was washed off, and a crack formed in the sheet rock. Other 
than that, we're all ok here. All my friends are safe too. We were supposed 
to have another co-ed sleepover tonight, but the weather fucked that up for 
us. Oh well...C'est la vie.


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