File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 16

Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 11:38:45 -0500 (EST)
From: rosaphil <>
Subject: Help Defend Besieged Squat! (Dos Blocos)

i got this message too late to send it out, but they still need dry veggie
foodstuffs (peanut butter, otameal,cookies, cakes, dry fruit roll, sugar, 
spices, salt, tomato sauce, pasta, rice, beans, canned veggie soups,
applesauce,figs, pesto, humus, miso, etc),
flashlights, blankets, bottled fruit juices, vitamins, batteries, dog
food, cat food, 
bottled water etc.

drop the stuff off at blackout books (50 avenue B which is on avenue B
b/n 4th & 3rd Streets in Manhattan just southeast of Tompkins Square
park) and mark it "foor dos blocos siege"
or walk it over to dos blocos and hand it personally to "jimmy the greek"
or bill brown and mark it "for the siege".

if you don't know the person at dos blocos, leave it at blackout books who
will make sure it gets to the responsible people.

the new date for the siege might be april 12th. a court hearing at housing
court is for then and all polite people who would like to pack the
courtroom are invited to attend.

again, this is just based on voices in my head, so please do not hold me
legally responsible for any and all bottles of fruit juices or doggie
foodstuffs that get misappropriated....gulp, swizzle, swallow, belch!

to keep up with the events about dos blocos, please call 1212-592-3039
early and often.

 +********** Snail me yer rosehips if you liked this post! ************
*Better Living Thru Better Living!* *

Subject: Help Defend Dos Blocos!

Dos Blocos is at 713 E. 9th St. (between C & D)
Call the infoline for updates at (212) 592-3039

**Sunday, March 28th until Wednesday, March 31st**
*workday every day to make banners and barricades (call infoline for times)
*9pm every night -- scavenging for barricade materials
*Call and fax Milton Rinzler, the developer causing this eviction.
Office:  475 Park Ave., phone:  (212) 685-6500, fax (212) 779-7295
**Wednesday, March 31st**
Dusk until dawn, wear a costume, bring some friends.
Some refreshments will be provided, bring your own too.

**Thursday, April 1st**
8am breakfast served
9am PRESS CONFERENCE in front of the building
Show the media and the world that you support squatters!

All day, all night:  Party in the street, protest the eviction!

Stuff we need:  food, barricade materials, money,

P.S.  Endorsements to date:  Metropolitan Council on Housing, Lower East
Side Tenant Union, Eviction Watch, Housing Solidarity Network, Brooklyn
Greens, ABC No Rio, Casa Del Sol, the Citywide Coalition to Remove Giuliani,
and the Industrial Workers of the World, New York City General Membership



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