File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 162

Date: Mon, 5 Apr 99 13:52:42 EDT
From: "Brian J. Callahan" <Brian=J.=Callahan%MT%DFCI-AT-EYE.DFCI.HARVARD.EDU>
Subject: re: Zagreb Anarchist Movement on Yugoslavia 3rd April 1999

Nico quotes mirko:
>NATO's propaganda machinery number 1 -- CNN -- transmitted pictures where
>big flames are visible. Very big flames. I can see in my imagination how
>people in Montana US, Den Hag, Lyon, Birmingham, collected with their
>families for Easter, are sitting in front of TV and looking. Enjoying?

No, worrying that someone they know may eventually be killed there for 
reasons they don't quite understand, would be my guess (and my experience 
yesterday at our annual gathering).

>Oh, yes, those buildings where headquarters of police. Do you have police in
>your country?

Well, yes, and if they start committing genocide, I hope I'm among those who 
blow up their headquarters.

>Was the police headquarter in Being, China, destroyed  after massacre of
>students on Tien An Men square?   

Nope, but it would have been very nice to see.

>What is the difference between me and Ho Wan Kung (some Chinese)?

They are citizens of a state containing over a billion people and controlling 
many nuclear missiles.  That's why membership in the Nuclear Club is so 
sought after.   I don't see NATO ever bombing Pakistan, now, either.  Ali, 
you can relax.

>I have many Albanian friends from Kosovo 

Some of my best friends are Albanians.

>I work for human rights.

Always admirable.

> I haven't killed anyone.

Possibly a mistake.  You might start by killing a few of the police that are 
terrorizing, expelling and murdering your Albanian friends.


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