File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 163

Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1999 11:21:51 -0700
From: Dave Hayman <>
Subject: Re: Zagreb Anarchist Movement on Yugoslavia 29.3.99

Nico MYOWNA wrote:
 Bud *everybody* -- Serbs too -- have the right on his
> own oppinion. I'm only the person, who send this stuff to this list with-
> out censorship.

Oh, CRAP! Next you'll be telling us you have a hot line to Heaven! You
are at least as vulnerable to propaganda, misinformation, manipulation,
confusion, ignorance, etc. as the rest of us. Even when I disagree with
Carp I don't pretend to be more objective (I hope) (I just *am* ;-) ).

The rest of it seems more like mud wrestling than political discussion.
Nico repeatedly distorts Carp's position, whether because of language
and culture barriers, or sheer assininity, I can't say. Carp & Unka Bart
do take stories of Serb atrocities too seriously, IMHO. The other sides
have lesser atrocities because they have less power to inflict same, not
thru any moral superiority. 

Nico would get fewer insults if he(?) didn't
lecture us as if we were children. Carp seems more isolationist than
anti-Serb. Given our options, isolationism is reasonable. I think we all
would like to help anti-authoritarians in usedtabe Yugo, but how? NATO
intervention surely means a different set of people being killed than
without it, but what reason is there to beleive that this set will be
smaller or guiltier?


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