File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 166

Date: 06 Jun 1999 02:01:00 +0200
From: (Nico MYOWNA)
Subject: Re: From another list

Hi Bart, Dave and all,

>From another list we have read:

> John, not that it matters at this stage, but the peacekeeper/observers
> stayed until the day Holbrook left last week.  Also, not that it
> matters, I was in Albania in September 1990 (at the "urging" of our
> Federal government) and spent quite a bit of time talking to people in
> and out of the Albanian government.  Territorial interests in Kosovo
> were almost nonexistent even among the Kosovars.  Most of the local
> Albanians were concerned with how they were going to feed all those
> ethnic Albanians *when* Milosevic forced them out of Kosovo.  Chris
> Hill, currently the US Ambassador to Macedonia, was the Chief of the
> Liaison Mission in Tirana.  If he characterizes the current refugee
> situation as not of our making but part of a longrange plan of
> Milosevic, I have to believe him.  Discussions I had with Serb
> civilians in 1990-1991 about the strife around Yugoslavia always began
> with their warning me that Milosevic had a longrange plan to move all
> nonSerbs out of Serb territory and that he would be deliberate and
> ruthless.  Their fervent hope was that the rest of us would not blame
> the average Serb for the actions of their military.  I take it you
> believe we have no moral obligation to stop genocide.  To paraphrase
> Madelyn Albright, what do we need NATO for, then?  To keep the French
> from fighting with the Germans?

Yeah, so the US-government and diplomatique have known since 1990/91 that  
the Serbian Government have a plan to move all non-Serbs out. So -- what  
have the US- diplomatique done with this important information? What have  
the US- and NATO-diplomatique done to support the average Serbs in their  
movements for more democraty against Milosevic? More than nothing? --

Why have nobody stop the IWF, who have caused an open stock-market and an  
other law for banks and enterprises, who have cut nearly 90 % of the yugos- 
lavian collective industry down since 1990? Why have nobody see the coher-  
ence between the IWF-credits and the nationalist elites, who have tried to  
establish their own national states because they was willing to negotiate  
for IWF-credits on their own? --

And why, for hell, was the NATO so much surprised about so many refugees,  
when they have known the plan to move all non-Serbs out by Milosevic? Why  
haven't their been any preparations for tens of thousends refugees by the  
NATO? --

The paraphrase of Madelyn Albright show the plan of the US-Government to  
kick the European allies into a situation where they are auxiliary world- 
policemens on the side of the USoA. This is similar to the notes about the  
US-thinktanks in the midninetieth who have made plans about the future  
rule of the NATO I have read on an other list.

It have been the US-president Hoover who have spoken about ethical clean-  
sing as a "heroic medicin". There have been much ethical cleansings in  
this century: 1915 in Turkey with the Armenian genocide with 1 800 000  
deaths by progroms and murderings, 1922/23 in Greek and Turkey with more  
than 800 000 deaths and in Polen and Czechia 1949 with 2 500 000 german  
deaths. Exploration and ethical cleansings have been over decades a acep-  
ted method of politic. And today is an ethical cleansing only in this ca-  
ses a problem, if US-interests or interests of the NATO are affected.
> And, not that it matters, if territorial imperatives are at issue, the
> Albans were living in Kosovo when the slavic tribes moved across the
> Danube and pushed the "locals" into the swamps along the Adriatic.
> That was a long time before the Battle of Kosovo which, by the way,
> the Albans fought in, too, on the side of the Serbs.  What followed
> was years of peaceful coexistence, contrary to the recent myths of
> "ethnic hatred" between Serbs and Kosovars.  Who wrote the myths?  A
> Serb nationalist in the late 1800s penned an underground book.  Over
> the years, the idea of a Serb homeland grew like other groups' dreams
> grew, Jews and Palestinians being only two of them.  Milosevic tapped
> this when he built his gangs in the mid-1980s.

It is in all parts of the world the same. People of diffrent cultures,  
languages and religions could live in peaceful coexistence, if nobody  
spread ethnic hatred myths and nationalism. See the history of Slesia, of  
Slesvig, of East-prussia ect....

But this doesn't mean that we should judge about Serbs without distinc-  
tion between the left-libertarian and democratic resistance of Serbia and  
the nationalist Serbs who whant to move all non-Serbs with Milosevic out.

It's going to be a long war. Because after the Kosovars Milosevic have to  
move out the 615 000 citiziens of Montenegro, 320 000 hungary citiziens of  
Serbia, bosnian muslims in Kosovo, the albanian minority who live outside  
of the Kosovo, the Bulgarian minority on the border to Bulgaria, bosnian  
muslims who live at the border to Montenegro and the croatian minority.
It's going to be a very long war.....


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