File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 17

From: "Dave Coull" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 17:44:44 GMT
Subject: Re: Anarchy list (who are you,why did you come here)

Old Goat wrote

>this be a April Fool joke, neh?  

Well it did occur to me that somebody 
might be playing an April Fool on me.

>there aint presently anyone so stupid on the -AT--list is there?  
>say it aint so, Dave

I'm afraid being able to access a computer and find
the -AT--list is no gaurantee of superior intelligence.

>BTW, j'ai pensé que votre fran=E7ais était excellent.

Merci beaucoup. Et toi aussi.

But if you managed to read that message,
then you will have realised it wasn't
_my_  French. I can  _read_  French
well enough to get the gist of what is
being said, but I don't write it so good.
I was just forwarding a message, which 
I thought might interest people, which 
had appeared on the Research on Anarchism 
list, which frequently has things in French.



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