File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 173

Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 19:27:05 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Re: Macedonian Support For Peace/Milosevic

On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Keri Malone wrote:

> Is it any wonder watching the news tonight
> to see folks gathering for peace in Macedonia?
> They were also pro-Serbian.

Well, there's Serbs all over Canookland and the U$ and just last week
5,000 got together shouting in Chicago:  That don't make it a groundswell
though.  And Macedonia has a very large population of Serb origin so I
wouldn't be suprised to see them rallying.  Also when 500,000 people drop
in for dinner and you've already made plans, well, sometimes you just get
pissed at whoever you think ruined your evening.

> NATO is certainly _not_ garnering any sympathy
> in eastern europe.

Ah-ta-ta.  Let us not forget the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland are
all active memebers of NATO, Romania and Bulgaria are trying and there's
been little rumblings of revolution at any of those locations. That
leaves, um, er, well, who +is+ left?

> Yet people in britain and the u.s. who oppose
> this intervention are labeled as supporters
> of Milosevic's atrocities?
> Notice the double standard by which some have
> been judged?

Actually, not.

What is at odds with itself for me is all of the bullshit I've gatehred
from people all over the wirld--especially on oh-so-politically-correct
leftists lists--for being in the U$ and not laying down my life to stop
some heinious brutality like racism, genocide, intolerance of muslims,
whatever the issue de jour is. and as we know, in the name of good graces
I've always jovially accepted all of this abuse just to get along.

Now all of a sudden all of these leftist morality cops are confronted with
a large scale version of everything me and my grandaddy have ever been
accused of participating in and their advice is to do *nothing* to stop
it.  When somebody raises an international anarchist brigade and they
promise to march to the sound of the .38 to the back of the head, I guess
then we'll have a viable option of listening to people perching lofty
enough to engender a valid view to us.

So I guess I'm just pissed that I am powerless to influence events from
the comfort of my living room.



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