File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 196

Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 16:38:34 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: re: NATO is boxed in...

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, mokey wrote:

> wow, isn't world war three great!

This isn't Wirld War 3.  This isn't even Wirld War Ver. 2.1.  This is a
european nightmare.  The armed truce imposed on europe by the U$ and the
U$$R has ended and now we are seeing a Big Attempt to pick the scabs off
of old sores that have been festering since WW Ver 2.0.  

Call it U$/UK/NATO imperialism or whatever, but with the exception of
Greece and Turkey and the Basques, pretty much most of the real blood
feuds of europe and eastern europe have been forcibily submerged since

The Big Question is can Pandora's Box be closed?  The breakup of the U$$R
has allowed the creation of several new ethnically identified states. This
has resulted in an even more widespread and resurgent nationalist ideology
that has resulted in Bosnia, Chechnya, and now Kosovo as well as
occasional flashes in Kurdistan where people are getting screwed by so
many states at once that it must seem like one long international
gang-bang to the Kurds.

Sooooooooooo, today I'm thinking that it's best we as anti-authoritarians
just let all of these things play out, keeping an eye on any one
particular Bully State that may rise to bully the others.  My
nephew--brother's boy, a good 18-year old kid--is a jarhead just out of
basic training and I'm not to keen on seeing him buy a piece of Balkan
dirt, even though he's kind of high on going because he's only seen war
on the target ranges and has never been to a foreign country except for

So I'm back to if the europeans think this is a porblem, then it ought to
be their porblem.  And if they don't, then neither do I.  Right now it
seems that most europeans do think it's a porblem because there ain't too
many revoltuions toppling NATO states.  So have at it people.

but if I was a Serb and I was thinking though, I'd be thinking about how
after this little to-do is over how I'd want to climb right on some
Croatian ass because the fascist Croat-Catholic Ustasha had their
murderous way with the Serbs and that was only 55 years ago and 55 years
ago in the Balkans is as recent as yesterday...

Dave's right:  I'm an isolationist and roger's right that I'm a nativist.  
But don't tell anyone on the anarchism-list.  Those dickhead
inteligentsia-types have finally convinced me to get involved in a flame
war where I don't give a hoot about political correctness:  they just
deserve it.

Shoot, even Brian is calling people names over there, and until he called
nico an "idiot" just a couple of weeks ago I'd been on the -AT--list with him
for 5 years and he'd never flamed anyone. Thank goodness he's a nativist
too.  goat got him with a line that "gypsies are dumber than anyone but
the irish," and then brian even flamed him.

War makes odd bedfellows.  Welcome aboard the nativist train, brine-oh.



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