File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 199

Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 16:48:09 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Daily Sicko's Day: 4/6 LEONORA CARRINGTON 

Subject: Daily Sicko's Day: 4/6 LEONORA CARRINGTON

(FB here: Bay Area Bleed subscribers might want to see the women's
surrealist art currently showing at the MOMA -- includes old and
contemporary work by Carrington)

Web thing:


Makes the scientific discovery, "The task of the right eye is
to peer into the telescope, while the left eye peers into the

France: FETE OF THE LITTLE BOATS.  A children's festival
involving little pine boats with lighted candles.

Resist corporate rule by phoning in sick.
During one World Phone In Sick Day, over 2,000 British Airways
employees phoned in sick to protest airline policies, etc.
Inspired by the "consumer terrorists" -- known as Decadent

This protest is modest: "We want to remind Americans of their
history. The American Revolution was in large part a revolt
against corporations,  which are bodies formed to allow rich
people to shirk responsibility for abuses -- they allow
exploitation without representation.  The Founding Fathers
thought corporations immoral, & they were illegal here during
the first 50 years of the Republic."

Recent subversion on RTMARK's web site,

Decadent Action's at:

Includes alternative job activities if you can't all in sick.

610 - Lailat-ul Qadar, the night the koran descended to Earth.

1199 - Richard I the Lion-hearted, King of England, dies at 41.

1327 - Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca), sees a beautiful married
woman to whom he writes 366 poems to her during his life,
addressing her always as "Laura,"  never revealing her identity.

1348 - Petrarch's Laura dies of plague.

1528 - German engraver Albrecht Durer dies.

1712 - US: New York City slave revolt begins: slaves set fire
to their masters' outhouse. They then ambush the whites who
arrive to put out the blaze, killing nine.

1781 - Peru: T=FApac Amaru captured after being denounced by a

Of dust & pain -- these are the ways of Peru. T=FApac Amaru is
brought into Cuzco on the back of mule, covered with chains
that drag on the pavement. The traitor does not look for a
rope to hang himself, but instead receives his reward of 2,000
pesos & a title of "nobility".

1812 - Anarchist Alexander Herzen lives, Moscow, Russia.
I am truly horrified by modern man. Such absence of feeling,
such narrowness of outlook, such lack of passion &
information, such feebleness of thought.

1825 - Phantasist painter Gustave Moreau lives.

1830 - Angelic tablet finder Joseph Smith founds Mormon Church
in Fayette, New York.

1832 - US: Black Hawk War begins when Sauk/Fox return to plant
traditional corn fields & are repulsed by whites.

1860 - James Kirke Paulding, American dramatist/novelist, dies
in Hyde Park, New York. *Koningsmarke, the Long Finne, a Story
of the New World* (1823), *Westward Ho! *(1832), & *The Old
Continental: or, the Price of Liberty *(1846), represent
Paulding's efforts to employ the American scene in fiction.

1862 - A writer with an eye for the future, Irish-American
Fitz-James O'Brian dies in Cumberland, Maryland.

1866 - American muckraker Lincoln Steffens lives, San
Francisco, California. 1998 SAINT.

1868 - US: Brigham Young marries #27 --  his final wife.

1878 - Erich Muhsam, German anarchist, lives.

Erich M=FChsam   (Germany) Erich
M=FChsam  (1878 -
1934) KZ Sachsenhausen From
Bohemia to the
Barricades - Erich M=FChsam Erich M=FChsam - Nie wieder
Personen - Erich M=FChsam
M=FChsam: Rendezvous
Muhsam, Erich, 1878-1934. Homosexualitat : eine Strietschrift
/ Erich Muhsam; mit einem Einfuhrung von Walter Fahnders und
einem Dossier. Munchen : Belleville, c1996.
See also *Max Weber & the Culture of  Anarchy *,

1888 - Dan Andersson lives (1888-1920). Musician/writer, of
working class background, who became one of the most popular
Swedish poets. Led a wandering life, as woodsman & charcoal
burner, temperance lecturer, factory worker, traveling
salesman, & as a journalist. His works, most published after
his death, include *Charcoal Burner's Tales; Black Ballads;
The Three Homeless Ones; Late Harvest.*

1893 - Longest bout in boxing history ends after Andy Bowen &
Jack Burke box 7 hrs 19 mins to no decision (111 rounds), St

1894 - Italy: In Chieti, a trial begins against the anarchist
Camillo Di Sciullo, responsible for the newspaper "Il
pensiero." Defended by the anarchist lawyer Pietro Gori, Di
Sciullo is acquitted.

1895 - After acquittal of the Marquis of Queensberry for
libel, Oscar Wilde is arrested. During the trial Wilde denies
writing *The Priest & the Acolyte.*

 "Was that story immoral?" asked the court. "It was much worse
than immoral," Wilde replied. "It was badly written."

1896 - First modern Olympic games are held,  Athens, Greece.
This is pre-Bud, pre-network TV.

1903 - Holland: General strike begins.

1909 - Robert E. Peary is the first person credited to reach
the North Pole. He was accompanied in this sixth attempt by
Matthew Henson (a black guide) & four Eskimos.

1917 - US enters WWI, declares war on Germany. Beloved &
Respected Comrade Leader Woodrow Wilson, elected on an anti-
war platform, does an about face. Thousands of Americans will
be be declared "anti-American," jailed, harassed, tarred &
feathered, lynched, forced to get on their knees & kiss the
American flag, castrated or killed, etc, by such outstanding
icons of virtue as the American Legion -- for maintaining
Wilson's original position. Printing presses will be
destroyed, books & papers burned... This, of course, is the
war that will End All Wars.

1917 - Leonora Carrington lives, in Clayton Green, Lancashire,
England. Gained international recognition when she exhibited
along with artists such as Rene Magritte, Salvador Dali, Max
Ernst & Yves Tanguey at the International Surrealist
Exhibition in London. The beginning of a strong & long
relationship with the Surrealists. She first discovered Max
Ernst in an illustration in a book by Herbert Read. When she
met the older artist in 1937, Leonora ran off with Max at the
age of 20. See *Daily Bleed* Gallery page,

"I am an old woman, 'seated' in Mexico"

1918 - The French captain Jacques Sadoul, on a mission in
Russia, wrote in a report dated today: "The anarchist party is
the most active, the most militant of the opposition groups &
probably the most popular.... The Bolsheviks are anxious."

Scarcely a major city was without an anarchist or anarcho-
syndicalist group, spreading a relatively large amount of
printed matter--papers, periodicals, leaflets, pamphlets, &
books. There were two weeklies in Petrograd & a daily in
Moscow, each appearing in 25,000 copies.

Anarchist sympathizers increased as the Revolution deepened &
then moved away from the masses.

At the end of 1918, according to Voline [the premier historian
of the anarchists during the revolution, as well as an active
participant in the events described--cf], "this influence
became so great that the Bolsheviks, who could not accept
criticism, still less opposition, became seriously disturbed."
Voline reports that for the Bolshevik authorities "it was
equivalent... to suicide to tolerate anarchist propaganda.
They did their best first to prevent, & then to forbid, any
manifestation of libertarian ideas & finally suppressed them
by brute force."

>From Daniel Guerin's *Anarchism* (Monthly Review Press)

1924 - "Butcher of Hanover" Fritz Haarmann with help of
accomplice Hans Grans, lures his 20th (of 28 victims), a 17-
yr. old boy, to his apartment to be killed & possibly
butchered for resale, Hanover, Germany

1928 - Bigoted Jason Compson begins his day (in Faulkner's *
The Sound & the Fury.* )
"Once a bitch always a bitch, what I say. I says you're lucky
if her playing out of school is all that worries you. I says
she ought to be down there in that kitchen right now, instead
of up there in her room, gobbing paint on her face & waiting
for six niggers that can't even stand up out of a chair unless
they've got a panful of bread & meat to balance them, to fix
breakfast for her."

1931 - Richard Alpert/ Ram Dass lives.

1931 - First of the "Scottsboro Boys" trials begins in Alabama.

The trials of the nine boys began at Scottsboro before Judge
E.G. Hawkins. Milo Moody was appointed by the court to serve
as "defense counsel." Charlie Weems & Clarence Norris were
declared "guilty" by the jury. The great crowd assembled
before the courthouse, surrounded by state troopers, staged a
demonstration of approval with the band playing, "There'll be
a hot time in the old town tonight". The others are found
guilty over the next two days.

1952 - South Africa: Mass meetings of non-whites to protest
against apartheid.

1953 - Hot Springs, Arkansas professional baseball team is
voted out of the Class C Cotton States League after the club
refuses to cancel contracts with two black pitchers whose
services it had obtained.

1963 - Birmingham civil rights demonstrations began on a small
scale.... At first there were a few sit-ins at lunch counters
& a few arrests....
On Saturday, April 6, a group of carefully selected
demonstrators marched on City Hall.... Today about 45
demonstrators are arrested.

Well, I said, "There must be some man around,
There can't be only you dogs in town."
They said, "Sure, we have Old Bull Connor,
There he goes, walkin' yonder,
Throwin' some raw meat to the Mayor,
Feedin' bones to the City Council!"

 * Phil Ochs, *Talking Birmingham Jam*(1963)

1967 - Germany: Tens of thousands protesting Vietnam War jeer
Beloved & Respected Comrade Leader Vice President Hubie
Humphrey in West Berlin, West Germany.

1968 - In the wake of a riot following the assassination of
Martin Luther King, Jr., Oakland cops raid Black Panther Party
headquarters, killing Bobby Hutton & wounding three others,
including Eldridge Cleaver.

Police in Oakland, California, open fire on a car of Black
Panthers who are returning from a meeting. The Panthers escape
their vehicle & run into a house. Police throw tear gas &
riddle the house with machine-gun bullets. After police set
the building on fire, the Panthers try to surrender.
Seventeen-year-old Bobby Hutton comes out of the house with
his hands in the air.  But a police officer shouts, "He's got
a gun." This prompts a barrage of police gunfire that leaves
Hutton dead. The police later admit Hutton was not carrying a

1968 - Steve Miller, on tour in England, writes in Billboard
decrying the British rock scene as "more an industry than a
scene ... It's at a low, lifeless point ... The only good
bands I've seen are Traffic, Marmalade & Procul Harum. I've
seen bands doing queer bits in their underwear to get attention."

1968 - Gunpowder stocks at a sporting-goods store explode,
killing 43, Virginia.

1980 - France: Raiders destroy one computer center & two
others two days later. The actions were claimed by Action
Directe. The Committee for the Liquidation & Misappropriation
of Computers stated:

"We are computer workers, well-placed to know the present &
future danger of computer systems.
Computers are the favored instruments of the powerful.
They are used to clarify, control & repress. We do not want to
be shut up in the ghettos of programs & organizational patterns."

1982 - US begins naval maneuvers in Central American &
Caribbean waters.

1985 - Australia: Satellite dish daubed with human blood,
Watsonian Army Base, Melbourne.

1992 - Isaac Asimov science fiction writer (*I Robot*), dies
at 72.

1994 - Rwanda: Plane crash killing presidents of Rwanda &
Burundi initiates massacre of millions of Tutsis by Hutus.

1996 - US: 11 arrested at main post office near Capitol Hill,
Washington, D.C., for attempting to mail needed medical
supplies to Iraq in defiance of U.S.-led embargo.

"Knowing can be a limiting thing."
 * Richard Hugo,  "Writing Off the Subject"

Auntie-Off-Subject 1999
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tersely define thus: no opinion a law -- no opinion a crime."

       ---Alexander Berkman


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