File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 200

Date: Tue, 6 Apr 99 17:50:36 EDT
From: "Brian J. Callahan" <Brian=J.=Callahan%MT%DFCI-AT-EYE.DFCI.HARVARD.EDU>
Subject: re: NATO is boxed in...

>but if I was a Serb and I was thinking though, I'd be thinking about how
>after this little to-do is over how I'd want to climb right on some
>Croatian ass because the fascist Croat-Catholic Ustasha had their
>murderous way with the Serbs and that was only 55 years ago and 55 years
>ago in the Balkans is as recent as yesterday...

Not to mention the fact that the Croatians gave the Serbs a good ethnic 
cleansing a few years ago in the Krajina.  The US helped train those troops.  
It was the Croatian ground troops that scared the Bosnian Serbs enough to go 
to Dayton.  The NATO air power mainly served to discourage Milosevic from 
committing the Yugoslav army or air force.  I don't think the Serb armed 
forces are going to be in any shape to take on the Croats any time soon.  
Bombing may not win a war, but it can sure reduce the ability to project 

>Dave's right:  I'm an isolationist and roger's right that I'm a nativist.  
>But don't tell anyone on the anarchism-list.  Those dickhead
>inteligentsia-types have finally convinced me to get involved in a flame
>war where I don't give a hoot about political correctness:  they just
>deserve it.
Yup, you really now how to win friends and influence anarchists.

>Shoot, even Brian is calling people names over there, and until he called
>nico an "idiot" just a couple of weeks ago I'd been on the -AT--list with him
>for 5 years and he'd never flamed anyone.

As much as I'd like to be perceived as polite, I have to admit I've flamed a 
few people over the years.  I try never to flame someone *first*.  Flaming in 
response seems perfectly legitimate to me.  But I don't even live up to that 
standard all the time.

>Thank goodness he's a nativist
>too.  goat got him with a line that "gypsies are dumber than anyone but
>the irish," and then brian even flamed him.

It was all just good-natured fun.  In my limited experience, I've noticed 
that the percentage of assholes, idiots and swine are pretty much the same 
across all ethnic groups.  Stupidity knows no race.

>War makes odd bedfellows.  Welcome aboard the nativist train, brine-oh.

With you as conductor?  I'm jumping off...yeooowww...


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