File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 208

Date: 07 Jun 1999 02:44:00 +0200
From: (Nico MYOWNA)
Subject: Re: Kosovo : Historical Background

Dave have quoted Tim Judah:
> >When, in 1915, the Serbian army retreated
> >across Kosovo, chased out by the advancing
> >Austro-Hungarians, Germans, and Bulgarians,
> >Albanian guerrillas attacked them, picking
> >off weak detachments.

The Kosova became 1913 a part of Serbia (after the balkanian war of 1908/ 
1909, I think). Many ethnic Albanians of Kosovo have 1913 hoped, that the  
Kosovo became a part of Albania.
> >Just before the Second World War, Rebecca West,
> >the English writer, visited the town of Pec  -  from which
> >the Serbs last week allegedly drove the bulk of the Albanian
> >population. Chatting with an Albanian cab driver and his
> >friend, she found that they "would thoroughly enjoy another
> >war if only it would give them the chance of shooting
> >a lot of Serbs".
> The chance came with the Second World war when
> >Yugoslavia was occupied by the Axis powers and most
> >of Kosovo was incorporated into Greater Albania.
> >Serbian settlers who had been brought in to try
> >to redress the population balance were driven out
> >and thousands were killed.

Yugoslavia became 1941 (25.03.) a confederate of the Axis powers. After a  
putsch of britain-orientated military groups against this pro Axis orien-  
tated government in the same year (5.04.) and the insertion of an military  
regime, who became a ally of Stalin (6.4.), Germany tried to support the  
pro Axis orientated groups with their occupation (see Legion Condor and  
the german support of Spain 1936-39).

>From the division of the albanian population in Albanians with his own  
state and ethnic Albanians in Greek, Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia grow out  
of the national myth of Albania to inserte a Greater Albania who comprise  
all ethnic Albanians in *one* state. This myth is contrary to the serbian  
national myth to inserte a Greater Serbia who comprise all ethnic Serbs in  
*one* state. Both ideologies apply progroms and murdering.
> >Carlo Umilta, an Italian civil commissioner, wrote
> >of what he saw : "The Albanians are out to exterminate
> >the Slavs." In one region he found villages where
> >"not a single house has a roof; everything has been
> >burned. There were headless bodies of men and women
> >strewn on the ground".

This show, that the Albanians are historical *not* victims. The dream of a  
Greater Albania is still alive at the base of the KLA: this army fight not  
only for a free Kosovo, but also to inserte a Greater Albania who comprise  
all ethnic Albanians of Albania, Kosovo, Greek, Macedonia and Serbia in  
*one* state. Yesterday the KLA have inserted his own albanian government,  
who should speak alone for all ethnic Albanians, who live outside of the  
Albanian borders. The day before this army have proclaimed a total mobili-  
zation of all Albanians between 18 and 60 years to fight with the KLA a-  
gainst the serbian army; every male between 18 and 60 years who doesn't  
sign in to fight with the KLA should after the 30th april 1999 in all re-  
fugeescamps be executed by KLA-troops.


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