File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 209

Subject: remove me (hmmm, better don't, ok?!) or 'dead bodies'
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 02:56:50 +0200

Hmmm, seems to be a really interesting discussion, although sometimes the
arguments look quite the same, e.g. wrote:
<<                                >>
and some time before said:
<<                                >>
or an interesting alternative written by
<<                                >>
(btw here an interesting message under no special subject called kein
betreff  from Daniel Steiger [] {date somewhen at
the beginning of february}:
<<                                >>
somehow familiar... at least to me)
well, some time ago, a day before steiger's message Jonathan Kratter
[] told us under the subject "gotta jet":
<<Hi Y'all

	I think my brief and less-than illustrious career on this list is going to
have to come to an end, not because of the increasingly derogatory and
insulting nature of the messages surrounding my argument, but because I
just don't have time to spend 2 hours a day reading e-mail.  My apologies
to those I've offended; hopefully, you won't bear me any permanent malice.
Anyway, see you all around...

	Thanks for all the fish,
Like someone was a bit more creative than some other people...
But even people leaving that list in april can be creative, like Jannus
Malus [] kindly proves:
<<Get me off this list too...For while I had taken to kill-listing it, but
I just noticed how many were piling up in the trash-bin daily...You guys
must be REALLY bored at wirk ;)>>
It's just so amazingly interesting to read such mails sent to the whole
discussion-collective... some of these messages make it really hard what to
write in case I ever should wish to leave this list (?!)

And now a question to the old goat, does there be some well hidden
connection between your 'dead bodies' message and these couple of 'dead
body' messages? Hmmm, some conspiracy?! Some top-secret code? Or a well
hidden joke? Or am I going mad, hehe, I'd like that one, hehe...


++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++
> ++++ if you agree copy these 3 sentences in your own sig ++++
++++ see: ++++
----- and maybe every other execution, too, and do not forget what Anton
Tschechow said:------
"Ich bin zutiefst überzeugt, dass man in fünfzig oder hundert Jahren unsere
lebenslangen Zuchthausstrafen mit demselben Staunen und Schauder betrachten
wird, den wir heute empfinden, wenn wir uns vergegenwärtigen, wie man früher
Nasen durchlöcherte oder einen Finder an der linken Hand abhackte."

Should you be in mood for wasting(?) some time visit my (yet unfinished)
homepage:  - A Page of Silent
Reflection.... And Anarchist Thinking
(first version should be done within one or two weeks from now, btw, I could
need essays {one does not find somewhere else on the web, why wasting
space?}, poems,... COMMENTS... thanks) --> First version is done by now, but
I still can need some stuff for it:)
> Quoth the raven, "Nevermore."


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