File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 211

Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 20:52:38 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Re: RECOLONISATION, dead soldiers, UAP and erratum

Okay, my Monoplysoft email program is crashing everytime I try to send a
post out of it so I have to go by hand here and I can't quote your post,
nico, but there are a couple of other addresses that are very interesting.
I was looking for goat's dead soldiers and came across them (that story
sounded like a UAP release--more to follow on that line). My advice is to
go to an search engine and type the following wirds into the
search engine for all sites

dead americans kosovo macedonia albania

There's over a million hits but the two that I found most informative were
(sorry this isn't in html but I'm back in unix and I can't figure it out)


The first one is a white paper written by the Yugoslavian Ministry of
Foreign Affairs in Sept. of 1998 which is sort of the Serb "Mein Kampf"
that sets the justification for what they were going to do.  

Among other tidbits I found were the Serb charges that Germany, Denmark,
and Switzerland were financing the KLA. (this is in 1998)  This at least
meshes with this Canook professor saying Germany is involved in the
neo-colonization of Bosnia.  However, I have to point out the Canook
repeats the claim that oil is somehow involved in all of this, and then he
says "Of course no one local knows this" or something similar.

You weren't here on the -AT--list when the Utopian Anarchist Party used to
flood us with phony dispatches.  The guy who wrote them would most often
quote himself and call himself an "anonymous anarchist cource."  This
thing on oil sounds exactly like the UAP wrote it.  

And....for those -AT--list regulars who were wondering what happened to the
UAP and the ANuS, over on the anarchism-list some guy named "Scorpion"
used an ANuS article as a source today.  As much as they want me to unsub
from that list I have refused, but  told them that if the list would just
kindly subscribe to ANuS, I'd unsub in a minute.  I hope someone does
because that is a shithole of a list but I refuse to unsubscribe just
based on general principle--and the fact that I have no idea who
subscribed me in the first place.  I thought I was getting their posts
through the -AT--list for 3 days.

Anyways, the second address is for the "Kosovo Liberation and Peace
Movement."  It is the other side of the coin that you keep flipping out
here, nico.  I'll have to admit that it kind of makes me shudder when they
say things like "Kosovo and Albania were liberated by Germany in 1942..."
but I guess if I had to deal with The Bad Craziness like generational
spasms genocide I might look on the nazis as "liberators" too.

This site lists names of dead Kosovars, massacre sites, and has numerous
pictures of babies with their brains exploded, old men with their throats
cut and womyn who have been gutted, not to mention it has dozens of links
to anti-serb sites all over the wirld and emails from inside Kosovo and
Albania--the ones you don't include in these dumps. It sort of puts a real
face on all of those numbers that are being bandied about in the press and
that are being so easily dismissed by you.

And finally, nico, I figured out (after you've included these things
in three or so posts) that you are accusing me of using the
wirds "thirst for blood" and "natural born killers" in describing Germans
and/or Serbs.  You've got the worng guy.  I have never, ever, used those
wirds in a post to this list or any other regarding this issue.  So if
that's what's bugging you, you might want to reconsider because it has
never happened from this address.

Now I _may_ have called the Serbs "fascist bastards," but I don't recall
doing so.  I rarely use the wird "bastard" as my nephew fits the literal
definition and I find that definition highly sexist and anti-womyn.  Then
again someone on the anarchism-list got me pissed enough to say "fuck you"
and I don't use that very often either--less than 10 times in 5 years on
the anarchy-list, more like maybe 4 times--so this is not to say I
completely deny it.  But the Serbs are fascists, so even if I did say it
I was 50% correct.

And finally, since you are posting so much pro-serb stuff here I have to
ask:  Have you considered going to...

Never mind.



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