File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 220

Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 12:40:59 +0100
From: mokey <>
Subject: Re: Who armed the KLA? Prisoners, and Grunts...

carpo wrote:
>I digress:  The Serbs say that 650,000 AK47s and SKSs got swiped, along
>with 25,000 machine guns, 1.5 BILLION rounds of ammo, 2,450 RPGs (grenade
>launchers to you Weaponry Impaired)  and 770 mortars.   The serbs say only
>5-10% was recovered and that at least 25-30% left Albania.

Why the hell were there more than half a million AK47's in Albania?
Doesn't this underline the case for complete global demilitarisation.  it
seems to me that guns and bombs and rockets etc. are doing a lot of damage,
and maybe if we got together to do something, then maybe we can get rid of
them all.

well, maybe i'm being silly.  maybe i'm being grossly naive.  after all,
the most brutal genocide this century (Rwanda) was carried out with clubs,
knives, machetes etc.

and speaking of Rwanda, did any of you British on this list see the report
on Newsnight last night?  there's a whole new generation of political
leaders, from villages on up, trying to preach tolerence and unity among
the hutus and tutsis.  it's one of those things that renews your faith in
the human race.  it would be so much easier to preach ethnic hatred, but
these men (invariably men, kinda underlies african patriarchy) are trying
to turn their country into a more harmonious and peaceful place.  maybe the
balkan leaders could learn something from all this.

poor naive and idealistic


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