File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 222

Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 18:02:37 +0200
From: Manfred Schmidtke <>
Subject: Re: Why Tony Needed A War

catkawin wrote:

>>The foreign minister
>>(Joschka Fischer), however, is green, but apparently ex-pacifist.

actually, he never was a true pacifist.
at the beginning of the 70s, joschka fischer was one of the main leaders of
the stalinist group "revolution=E4rer kampf" (RK) who adopted the concept of
so-called mass-militancy and staged street fights with molotow's and
stone-throwings. fischers' half-assed pacifism at the end of the 70s wasn't
caused by ethical or moral insights, but was a mere result of lasting
military defeats.

joscka fischer started throwing stones and is now throwing bombs. what a

Erik wrote:

>indeed, next time i should check at least the newspaper before writing such
>things (on the other hand he is as much a war-minister as Scharping in his
>function of foreign affairs) but seeing this hypocrite (he's the big
>example nowadays for the flemish greens, so they endorsed the NATO actions
>too, because they ambition some governmental jobs after next elections in
>june), makes me even more sick. The ease people throw away all their
>principles to be part of the power elite. And the hypocritical defense they
>build up : "now that we are in such a position we understand why
>governments do such and such. You as ordinary people have no idea about
>this. Just accept what we will tell you and next time vote again for us").

that's true!
and the most ugly thing is how our greens claim that being elected into
government would be the "peaceful" way to change a society (as opposed to
the violent way of the 68's).
hell, governments are the most violent institutions which ever existed!

>Germany, so close and even then so far away...

wait until the next elections 2002. i guess that our mainstream political
partys really start to piss people off.



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