File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 236

From: "Steve Paschke" <>
Subject: cassini
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 17:18:32 -0400

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The probe is called Cassini, and it has apparently enough plutonium to give several million people deadly cancer.  I think it was filled with about 72 lbs.. of the stuff.  It's also on a Titan IV rocket, which failed miserably in almost half (or more) of the tests that Lockheed did on them.  One centimeter off in the calculations, or one missile failure, and the rocket hits earth.

This URL will lead you to many more interesting articles on casssini, but some are probably more paranoid rant than actual fact:


The probe is called Cassini, and it has apparently enough plutonium to give several million people deadly cancer.  I think it was filled with about 72 lbs.. of the stuff.  It's also on a Titan IV rocket, which failed miserably in almost half (or more) of the tests that Lockheed did on them.  One centimeter off in the calculations, or one missile failure, and the rocket hits earth.
This URL will lead you to many more interesting articles on casssini, but some are probably more paranoid rant than actual fact:

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