File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 276

Date: Thu, 08 Apr 1999 23:01:23 -0400
From: roger <>
Subject: Re: Germany and the KLA

nico, i am astounded.  you, like others who claim to represent the left,
seem awfully confused.  as i understand your post, the kla provoked the
serb military and security forces into a war, with the aid of germany
and nato who see kosovo as a likely route for caspian sea oil.  i'm
almost afraid to ask, but where does this mythical pipeline lead?  to
the adriatic through albania?  wouldn't it be quicker to just sail
through the bosporos in the first fucking place in the same boat that
got you to bulgaria?  do they teach geography in germany?

have you ever been to kosovo, nico?  the balkans at all?  what is your
experience and level of understanding of the ethnic and religious makeup
of the region?  i think that you are very unsure of the facts, and are
thus susceptible to propaganda.  i hope that is the case.

i hesitate to even address what you think is the substance of your
assertion concerning caspian sea oil and german support for the kla.
let me tell you something about kosovo and kosovars, nico.  germany in
particular and nato in general hasn't done fuck all for the kla or
kosovars.  the funding for the kla comes mostly from drugs, iran, and
maybe syria.  do you honestly think that the hard-line muslim militants
who run the kla give a rat's ass what bonn/berlin thinks?  you flatter
your nation's influence.  kosovo is not croatia, which by contrast, does
see itself as a successor state to the wwII-era fascist state that
thrived under german occupation.

what is the opinion of turks in germany?  why don't you ask them what
they think of your theory?  i suggest you go into a working-class
turkish coffee house and tell them about how the kosovars brought this
all on themselves.  they MADE the serb military and security forces
drive them from their homes.  after all, these poorest and most wretched
people in europe are such an obvious threat.  be sure and let us know
how the turks respond.

nico, you began your post with a quote so i'll end mine with what used
to be a well-known phrase that refers to your lovely homeland and it's
recent history:  Never Again.



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