File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 278

Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 23:08:53 EDT
Subject: Re: Yugoslavia/Appalachia

In a message dated 3/31/99 9:33:38 PM EST, writes:

 Yes, commenserate with the rise of TV prison populations have grown like
 audiences.  This result I think is very much due to the immediacy of TV.
 Most people never get touched by violent crime but this is what people
 seem to fear and try to deter most.  I mean a person gets murdered in a
 city 60 miles away and it's like we just call out, "Bar the door, Kate.
 We're going down."  Meanwhile out in the driveway a kid is siphoning
 gas.... >>

I must agree. A store I work at was held up at gunpoint and now everyone is 
super cautious almost to the point of parinoia.  Wouldn't it be beter if we 
were cautious before the incident? Parinoia is too late one the event has 
already taken place.


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