File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 290

Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 10:19:50 +0200
From: Erik <>
Subject: do we give a fuck...

At 21:02 -0400 08-04-1999, roger wrote:
>if anyone in europe does give a flying fuck about the kosovars then i,
>at last, have a positive suggestion:  smoke more dope.

Item in our belgian newspaper today. Last wednesday the belgian police
stopped a truck with 10 people (refugees) from Kosov-AT- on their way to the
UK. Since there is no official policy about what to do with refugees from
Kosov-AT- they were sent back to where they came from (it must be safe to live
in Kosov-AT- these days because belgian officals have no offical paper
indicating that it is not safe).

Later on Balgian government agreed to take in between 800 and 1200 refugees
from Kosov-AT- (and at the same time expressed their disgust with how
Macedonia treated the refugees at their border).

Our state secretary of development affairs went to the border of Macedonia
and Albania (after all there are elctions in two months) and spoke of his
disgust that refugees were locked behind bars (in camps), while at the same
time as being member of the belgian government he voted for the building of
special detention centers (with iron bars) near airports to improsion
candidate-asylum seekers.

Two days ago another minister refused to open an official telephone line
where people could offer place in their homes for refugees.

You see what we see on the news and read in teh pepers is the official
viewpoint  of governments (not people).

So all this talk about Serbs and Kosovars and Krauts and Rednecks is so
tiring. We are anarchists : we can't let ourselves be defined by what the
governments of the countries we live in stand for.

Ofcourse it's easier to think that way.
In cas some people wonder about "Kosov-AT-". It was used by peace activists to
indicate that Kosovo and Kosova are the same region. Ofcourse since peace
never got a chance, who cares....



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