File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 299

Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 23:23:11 +0800
From: Joel Ng <>
Subject: Re: US-information warfare & KLA

Dave Coull wrote:

> I think it was Carp who
> pointed out that all three of the soldiers were sergeants.
> In normal army units there are lower ranks. In special
> forces units the lowest rank is sergeant.

Yup.  The first thing almost all the guys in my unit noted was that they were
damn young staff sergeants.  (and being in the transport section: "How come
the driver wasn't a PTE like the rest of us?  Weird for a conventional

then carp replies:

> It's even better than that.  My wife, who has seen me in hunting
> camoflauge face paint dozens of times pointed out this morning that those
> "bruises" on two of the three looked remarkably like face-paint that had
> been partially removed by wear, sweat or wiping.  (When you're wearing the
> stuff you forget you have it on)

If you're in the tropics, you never forget you have the stuff on.  In fact,
about a day later, when most of it's actually no longer visible, you still
think you're fully covered with the stuff.  And if you stop long enough, you
can still smell the paint mixed with the insect repellant, sweat and mud.  The
feeling just sticks.  Of course, its sometimes actually comforting to have the
feeling of paint on your face (don't ask me why).  But it's just typical of
tropics-based armies to use stuff made for the higher latitudes without a

Good thing I'm in artillery.  (and YKOUB was right - its the best thing to be,
even if we still need trucks as prime movers)


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