File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 300

Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 17:04:52 +0100
From: mokey <>
Subject: why i despise politicians

sometimes i want to give politicians a good slap on the back of the head.
this morning i was listening to Clare Short (UK International Development
Minister) on the radio, and she was coming out with the most paranoic
idiotic propaganda i've heard since the war (oh sorry, the campaign to
"degrade-diminish-destroy!") started.  she was running the old "Milosevic
is Satan and the serbs are his hellish minions" line.  if only we could rid
the world of serbs then we could all live in Shangri-La, splashing about in
the fountain of youth etc.  people were ringing up, trying to remind her
that the demonising of a people doesn't work, trying to remind her of
Croatian ethnic cleansing in their own country, that Bosnia was a
tripartite conflict.  and the UCK/KLA themselves, well there's a fine line
between freedom fighter and nutter terrorist.  but no, our Clare wouldn't
accept any of this.  anyone who questioned the moral rightness of the NATO
cause was called an apologist for Milosevic, anyone who suggested that NATO
might have made the situation worse was reminded of what else... yes, the

this war propaganda, from both sides, from all sides, is really starting to
get to me.



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