File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 32

Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 17:32:10 -0500
From: Unka Bart <>
Subject: Re: Anarchy list (who are you,why did you come here)

Ummmm... Mikey,

Remember that question Yer Kindly Ol' Unka Bart asked you in our last

>Me thinks all you people are stupid. I have fun phucking with peoples
>heads. I actually have an auto-translator but I dont want to move my
>mouse. I would blather more but I want to smear some napalm on the ass
>of a girl named monica seidenman.

No need to trouble yourself with answering it.  This little bit does the
job nicely.

Now why don't you run along and find your mother and tell her that she
wants you.  There's a good lad,

Yer Kindly Ol' Unka Bart


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