File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 327

Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 00:31:04 EDT
Subject: Re: Kosovo Motives etc.

In a message dated 4/1/99 10:23:59 PM EST, writes:

<< > I believe the US has donated $8.5 million, according to this morning's
 > Boston Globe.  Don't worry, the US government will donate plenty to look
 > good in the eyes of the US public...this is chump change (American
 > expression meaning a small amount of money) to the US government--that F117
 > shot down Saturday cost about $45 million dollars itself.  Each cruise
 > missile costs about a million dollars. >>

How can we forget the multi-million dollar apache hellicopters?


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