File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 330

Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 02:53:15 -0500
From: Sandi & Scott Spaeth <>
Subject: Re: Concealed Weapons

At 04:09 AM 4/9/99 -0700, Senex R. Rupicapra wrote:

>	how be they on in vehicle gun racks for long guns?  

dunno.  I will say this much, I work in a factory full of rural rednecks
who drive pickup trucks, and I don't recall noticing any gun racks.  As
opposed to when I lived up in Kokomo, Indiana, and my co-workers couldn't
believe that I didn't want to get in on the last batch of legal SKS's down
at the Circle K.  Hermetically sealed and buried gun capsules were a big
thing up there too for when all hell breaks loose and the government starts
up the big crematorium at the Amtrak Repair Station in Indianapolis for
honest Americans who resist the New World Order and the Zionist banking
conspiracy.  carp mentioned Missouri as being a hotbed of right-wing
wackos, but they spring up all over rural america.  Isolation breeds
xenophobia if I do say so myself.  The upside to all that craziness is that
I now know what the reflective colored stickers on the backs of roadsigns
are for... when foriegn troops move in to maintain order, those indicate
directions of major population centers (apparently the foriegn hordes won't
be familiar with the western alphabet).

Hard Luck S.C.
Piston Ported Vespas:


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