File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 335

Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 08:50:41 EDT
Subject: Re: Dead on August 16th

In a message dated 4/10/99 3:02:39 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Paris?  I guess Nostrdamus was a little optimistic about the role France
>  was going to play in the future.  Unless Carp turns out to be the
>  anti-christ, then it all makes sense.  At any rate, as long as it doesn't
>  interfere with my movie watching enjoyment, I say let Rome (or NYC in this
>  case) burn.
>  cheers,
>  scott
 He also predicted that the muslims will invade italy and and all but destroy 
the center of the catholic church. I don't agree with most of the cathoic 
doctrine, but at least drinking isn't a sin, and most of the catholics I know 
don't pay attention to the bit about birth control. Abortion is a whole 
different league though. i've convinced most people i chill with that 
abortion should not be illeagal, based upon the fact that nothing should be 
illeagal, but even i think that using an abortion as birth control is not 
right. Emergency circumstances are what should be for, like if the mother 
could die, the parents can't afford to raise a child and don't want to put it 
through the system, or the child has a chance of being born with a disability 
that would prevent them from enjoying life to the fullest.



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