File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 342

Subject: abortion? (was chris' dead on august 16th mail)
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 18:20:32 +0200

So, we're talking about abortion? Good, guess should finally try to find my
position in that discussion...

Chris wrote:
> or the child has a chance of being born with a disability
> that would prevent them from enjoying life to the fullest.

Don't think that this should be a reason to make new space in a womb, as
long as someone can laugh this person is enjoying life to the fullest (and
strangely enough, handicapped people seem to know how to laugh)... hmmm,
somehow reminds me of gattaca (ok, I'm watching too much movies, although
I'm getting more and more problems in just watching a movie, seems that I
can't turn off my mind just to enjoy a movie, aaarggg, well, maybe helpful
not to be manipulated, and as long as I can turn off this shit(?!) while
staring in this so fascinating sky, I'm alright... )... so may one should
not do any tests about the health of a unborn to determine whether to use
the possibility for abortion... I'll stop now... my thought's went on and
I'll have to write another mail just now not to forget what it is about..


++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++
> ++++ if you agree copy these 3 sentences in your own sig ++++
++++ see: ++++
----- and maybe every other execution, too, and do not forget what Anton
Tschechow said:------
"Ich bin zutiefst überzeugt, dass man in fünfzig oder hundert Jahren unsere
lebenslangen Zuchthausstrafen mit demselben Staunen und Schauder betrachten
wird, den wir heute empfinden, wenn wir uns vergegenwärtigen, wie man früher
Nasen durchlöcherte oder einen Finder an der linken Hand abhackte."

Should you be in mood for wasting(?) some time visit my (yet unfinished)
homepage:  - A Page of Silent
Reflection.... And Anarchist Thinking
(first version should be done within one or two weeks from now, btw, I could
need essays {one does not find somewhere else on the web, why wasting
space?}, poems,... COMMENTS... thanks) --> First version is done by now, but
I still can need some stuff for it:)
> Quoth the raven, "Nevermore."


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