File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 355

Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 16:47:34 EDT
Subject: Re: Why Tony Needed A War

In a message dated 4/3/99 10:22:29 PM EST, writes:

<< Naw, damn near every european I've seen email from is convinced the U$ is
 the bad guy and europeans do no worng.  
 Which is how you lose six-million jews. >>

Yes the US does seam to be the scap goa-- seam to get blamed for all NATO's 
problems. Could it be because the US is all the way over here and Europe is 
all the way over there? Could it be because our president is a class A 
hypocrite? Avoiding Vietnam because he "despised it" and now supporting the 
action in Serbia. Could it be because the stupid people in the White House 
said we had to take action in Serbia because we are (I QUOTE) "America is the 
only current super-power in the world."  Do I smell a hint of arrogance?  
Maybe it America's German population that says garbage like that.  Hey I am 
part of America's German population! Dammit all to hell.


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