File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 363

Date: 11 Apr 1999 03:40:00 +0200
From: (Nico MYOWNA)
Subject: Re: Germany and the KLA

Hi all,

> nico, i am astounded.  you, like others who claim to represent the left,
> seem awfully confused.  as i understand your post, the kla provoked the
> serb military and security forces into a war, with the aid of germany
> and nato who see kosovo as a likely route for caspian sea oil.  i'm
> almost afraid to ask, but where does this mythical pipeline lead?  to
> the adriatic through albania?  wouldn't it be quicker to just sail
> through the bosporos in the first fucking place in the same boat that
> got you to bulgaria?  do they teach geography in germany?

Yes, they teach geography. Does you know how many oil could be pumping in  
a hour through a pipeline and how many oil could be transported by a boat?
Technical *is* a short way over the black see better than a long way with  
a boat, because the Bosporos is in fact not large enough to sail by big  
tankers after a fixed size. And the turk administration can closed this  
sea way, because they have enough fear about a new tanker hawery.

>From the caspian see over Asebadshan, Armenia and Georgia to the black  
see, over the black see by tanker to Bulgaria and by pipeline over Bulga- 
ria (a future ally of NATO), Macedonia (in future a member of EU), Kosovo,  
Monte Negro (a future ally of EU), Croatia (a future member of EU) and Slo- 
venia (after 2003 a member of EU) to the EU border of Austria.

A further plan have shown to build up a pipeline over Asebadshan, Armenia,  
Turkey, Greek, Macedonia, Kosovo, Monte Negro, Croatia and Slovenia to the  
EU border of Austria, but there are the problem with Irak, the curd  
problem in Turkey ect....
> have you ever been to kosovo, nico?  the balkans at all?

Yes, I have been in Croatia and Monte Negro years before this war.

> what is your
> experience and level of understanding of the ethnic and religious makeup
> of the region?

I have read much about this region in German and Danish; the danish mino- 
rity of Germany have presided for years over the Federation of Ethnic and  
National Minorities in Europe and have published many articles and books  
about the situation of minorities on the Balkan.

I hope that YOU are only very unsure of the facts....Of course is the  
intimidation by Serbs military forces and fascist paramilitary groups like  
the MPN the main factor of the ecodus. But we should not be blind not to  
see the military actions and the crime of the "fascist" KLA. The KLA isn't  
"the Kosovars". The KLA in his interest to fight for a Greater Albania and  
expel all non-ethnic Albanians out of by ethnic Albanians inhabited parts  
of Kosovo, Mazedonia and Serbia represent *not* the interest of the Koso- 
vars for peace and return.

Speakers of the serbian administration have told yesterday that after a  
political agreement with Rugowa the serbian side "will acept international  
power on the ground of Yugoslavia to supervise this political solution and  
the return of all Kosovars". -- Logical disown speakers of the KLA in the  
german TV every political solution....
> let me tell you something about kosovo and kosovars, nico.  germany in
> particular and nato in general hasn't done fuck all for the kla or
> kosovars.

You haven't seen the smart KLA-fighters in the german TV wearing german  
uniforms. You haven't seen the german TV-program "Monitor" (24. 09. 1998)  
and later the story on CNN.

Some german circles in particular and the NATO in general has done fuck  
all for the KLA but they hasn't done fuck all for the Kosovars.

> the funding for the kla comes mostly from drugs, iran, and
> maybe syria.

You cannot do a fart in the heroin bussines without help of the secret  
police, the secret services or the mafia....BND and MAD are the german  
secret service.

Does you remember the diffrent between sunnits and shiits? The ethnic  
Albanians of the Kosovo are sunnits and the moslems of Iran are shiits.
So do you honestly think that sunnits who run the KLA give a rat's ass
what the mullas out of Iran whants?!

> do you honestly think that the hard-line muslim militants
> who run the kla give a rat's ass what bonn/berlin thinks?  you flatter
> your nation's influence.  kosovo is not croatia, which by contrast, does
> see itself as a successor state to the wwII-era fascist state that
> thrived under german occupation.

You really doesn't know the history of the Kosovo. The "Kosovo Peace and  
Liberation Movement" wrote on their webside:" The German fascist army was  
1941 a liberator of the Kosovo...." If you really know the politic of eth- 
nic cleansing by the Serbs between 1919 and 1941 than you know why are the  
german fascist have been 'liberators'....Italy and Germany have occupated  
Albania and Serbia and have initiated a fascist Greater Albania through  
the reunification between Albania and the serbian Province Kosovo 1941 -  
1944. The KLA try today to recover this fascist Greater Albania....


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