File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 365

From: "Matthew Hoad-Robson" <>
Subject: Blalkans, Kosovo, life universe e.t.c
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 12:07:55 GMT

People who say that America shouldn’t get involved in the Balkans are 
obviously missing the point. My I remind Americans that the EU is the 
single largest economic area in the world (combined GDP in excess of 
seven and a half Trillion U.S Dollars) and therefore represents a 
rather large trading partner. Bit of a shame if Europe descended into 
the shit again and our economy crashed, thus causing U.S recession. 

Anyway, for a country that is supposed to support free peoples 
struggling to fight oppression anywhere on the globe, the American 
people are a little bit resistant to helping the Albanians in Kosovo 
(was that the Truman doctrine/Carter Doctrine/Truman Show?). 

Don’t take the Russians to seriously when they harp on about WWWIII, 
cast your mind back to the last Gulf crisis (incidently I have heard 
from people close to the RAF that we are still bombing targets in 
Iraq every night- hence the British are bringing a carrier back from 
the Gulf to the Med) Yeltsin said that we would start WWWIII by 
bombing Iraq a few months ago. If a ground war started the Russians 
would have more to gain from selling weapons than from actually 
getting involved.

Anyway, the guys who were captured by the Serbs are very unlikely to 
be Special Forces. Firstly they were wearing American uniforms 
(something spec forces wouldn’t normally do) and secondly if they 
were special forces it would have been obvious by the kit they would 
have been carrying and the Serbs would have made a big deal about 
capturing spec operatives. 

Do you know that in Belgrade you can now buy a postcard with a 
picture of a Stealth fighter on the front saying ‘sorry no-one told 
us it was invisible’? Lucky the pilot got picked up by special forces 
(SAS) otherwise he would be on a one-way trip to Moscow to explain 
the F117a’s technical stats, limitations, flight envelope e.t.c to 
the KGB.

Why is it that the British pilots get given the really hard targets 
to hit? On the news they had all this stuff about NATO sending two 
little Harriers against an entire Serbian AIRBASE!!!!!!!!!! I know 
our guys are good, but really, an airbase?

P.S Monica is an Iraqi agent sent to reveal America’s most potent 
biological weapon. She completed her task and got the dress to prove 
it (if it wasn’t a right wing conspiracy, then why didn’t she wash 
the dress?)

P.P.S I sliced my hand open at work!!!!!!!! It hurts!!!!!!! 15 
stitches!!!!!!! Ow!!!

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