File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 378

From: "anar wally" <>
Subject: Re: NATO is boxed in...
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 14:02:42 PDT

Dave Coul wrote:  

>Rubbish. NATO's military men know that Milosevic 
>won't give in. Why should he ? If he gives in he is finished. 
>Either he would be lynched as a traitor by Serbs who 
>didn't want to give in, or he would be executed as 
>a war criminal by NATO. Either way, he personally
>ends up dead, and one thing that Milosevic does
>appear to believe in whole-heartedly is the survival 
>of Milosevic. There are some people in NATO 
>who are not totally stupid, so of course they know 
>this. Just as they knew that bombing would not 
>stop ethnic cleansing, but just make things worse.
>They went ahead  _despite_  knowing these things.

Then why did they do it if they knew it wouldn't work?  What do they 
want to gain for the millions of dollars they are spending on 
weapons, etc?  


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