File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 38

Date: 01 Apr 1999 05:51:00 +0200
From: (Nico MYOWNA)
Subject: Re: Kosovo Motives etc.

Brian wrote:

> Nico writes:
> >Point a): Germany cannot play the cop with his army of defence (see the
> >not changed german constitution who doesn't allow german troops on foreign
> >countries and wars of aggression). Therefore the Nato must declare, that
> >this war is a war of (humanitarian) *defence*.
> Most wars are sold as defense--pre-emptive strikes may be necessary, they
> say, to prevent a greater evil later.  This is part of the Orwellian
> strategy of the modern state.  That's why the US War Department was renamed
> Department of Defense.

That true. Mr. Fischer told that he could understand why Mr. Gisy (the  
speaker of the socialists (former communists)) say that this war is a war  
of aggression. But the government must reject this noble oppinion because
*the government could'nt act against the constitution*.

Last year (before the election) Mr. Fischer was the speaker of the green  
faction in the german parlament and total against every war in Kosovo.
> >Point b): German journalists have asked the Clinton administration about
> >the future rule of the UNO in the Kosovo war. The answer was laughing,
> >because the sentence of the NATO to break the international law/world or-
> >der of Russia have only gotten the votes of China and Nanibia.
> Okay, jokes over, son.  I don't know what you mean by UNO, here in the US
> there is a card game called "UNO."  Do you mean the United Nations (the UN)?

Yes, I mean the United Nations.
> >See also the <fwd> of Noam Chomsky.
> I was pissed that I missed his speech at MIT last Friday.  I always enjoy
> the Chumpsker.
> >Point c) The Germans send 15 Mill. DM to prevent harm from the albanian
> >refugees. Britain send tents and blankets. Italy fly the refugees out. But
> >-- where is the humanitarian US-help for the refugees?
> I believe the US has donated $8.5 million, according to this morning's
> Boston Globe.  Don't worry, the US government will donate plenty to look
> good in the eyes of the US public...this is chump change (American
> expression meaning a small amount of money) to the US government--that F117
> shot down Saturday cost about $45 million dollars itself.  Each cruise
> missile costs about a million dollars.

I think, the US government will donate plenty to look also good in the  
eyes of the European public...because many TV-stations in Europe have  
asked why the US-government doesn't donate plenty to help the refugees.
> >The war could start a civil war in the States and Europe: Yesterday alba-
> >nian and serbian demonstrators fight against each other on the streets of
> >Bielefeld. And one Person out of Serbia was killed in Prague.
> In the States?  The United States?  Not likely.  Most people don't know
> and/or don't care that much as long as no (or few) Americans die.

Are the Albanians or Serbians in New York not Americans? --

We have to face the fact that in America and Europe many Serbians or  
Albanians live. For example:

Albanians in Germany (I'm not sure, maybee 80 000), France, Greek (500  
000), Mazedonia (450 000), Turkey (6 000), Great Britain and United  

Serbians in Germany, France, Mazedonia, Austria, Czechia, Bosnia, Great  
Britain and United States.

So the war is possible in our neighboorhood between this two groups.

> In some
> of those of countries bordering Serbia?  Oh, yeah.  I think there is no way
> the US planners could have failed to anticipate the fact that dropping bombs
> on Serbia would really piss off the Serbians.  I'd have to guess they knew
> instability would increase in the region but felt it was worth it to
> increase the NATO/US sphere of "influence."   I think it instructive to look
> at the Athenian League that was formed to defend Greek city states against
> Persia. Eventually, the allies of Athens became the subjects of Athens.
> That was its weakness in confronting Sparta and its allies.   Look for lots
> of expressions of solidarity with and deference to "our European allies."

I see....


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