File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 387

Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 20:50:47 EDT
Subject: Re: The Symbols of Anarchy

Hey that reminds me...a while back, we were going to make a nice little black 
and red flag, and then sew on a circle-a in the middle. you got a black right 
triangle and a red one forming a rectangle, then the circle-a straddling the 
division, but he part on the black would be red, and the part on the red 
would be black. We were planning on permanently attaching it to the school 
flag pole, but we settled for killing grass with soap suds and using that 
spray foam stuff to put the number 650 on the side of our school (which is 
the time when all great conspiracies are hatched). Anyway, I think we need to 
go ahead and make our little banner for display at the tentative May Day 
party. Last year Taco and I liberated merchandise from various stores in 
celebration, but this year I think all out propaganda and wholesale corporate 
fraud are more in order. 
Chris, still no sleep


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