File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 390

Date: 11 Apr 1999 23:42:00 +0200
From: (Nico MYOWNA)
Subject: Re: US-information warfare & KLA

Roger doesn't understand my argumentation:
> >  The NATO have vei-
> > led the fact that in Kosovo have been only 2000 deaths by fights and mur-
> > dering during the whole year 1998 (251 deaths by the KLA) and not a car-
> > nage of Serbs against the ethnic Albanians before the war. The carnage
> > have been started a day before and after the start of NATO war attacks on
> > Serbia.
> so what?  the nazi's didn't begin to round up jews in large numbers until
> they started to worry about whether they were going to win the war.

You cannot compare the Holocaust with this ethinic cleansing by Serbs. I'm  
going in this question with Milton Friedmann: this horrific ethnic clean-  
sing isn't a *industrial annihilation* of millions of victims.

> does
> that mean that it was the fault of the allies?  will you concede that the
> responsibility for the ejection of one million kosovars from their homes
> primarily lies with the serb security forces?

Does you remember the tread "Why Tony need a war" on this list? --

I have given some more reasons why other NATO-members need this war inde-  
pendent of the ethnic cleansing by serbian military forces and paramili- 
tary groups. One puzzle in this picture is that the NATO have betraied  
their general publics both with their argumentation that there was a car- 
nage in Kosovo and that there diplomacy was at the 'ultima ratio' with  
Milosevic. Both are not true.

The NATO have known the plan of Milosevic to initiate this ethnic clean-  
sing month (and, if we remeber the mail of the former member of the US-di-  
plomacy on this list, years) before. In fact was there surprisingly no  
need for an early surprising attack to stop the preparation of this ethnic  
cleansing. And their have been no need for a preparation to lodge tens of  
thousends refugees on the NATO side.

Milosevic wasn't able to start this ethnic cleansing with 1 200 UN-obser-  
vers at the Kosovo. A few days before the NATO war of aggression this UN- 
observers went for their own security out -- and without international  
public Milosevic was able to give the order for operation "horseshoe" to  
destroy the KLA and translate this ethnic cleansing into action. Therefore  
are in fact both the NATO and Milosevic responsible for this ethnic clean- 

The point is: Milosevic and his troops are responsible for all war crimes  
and the carnages on the ethnic albanian Kosovars, the KLA for a few carna- 
ges on ethnic serbian Kosovars. But the serbian carnage on Kosovars was  
only possible with and under cover of the NATO war of aggression.

Human rights are indivisible. If the troops of Serbs deny the human rights  
of ethnic Albanians than the albanian KLA have no right for revenge and no  
right to deny the human rights of ethnic Serbs. Both Milosevic and the  
leader of the KLA are war criminals; the NATO headquarters translate their  
war into action thoughtless in aids of ethnic cleansing.


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