File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 393

Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 22:50:07 -0500 (EST)
From: danceswithcarp <>
Subject: Re: US-information warfare & KLA

On 11 Apr 1999, Nico MYOWNA wrote:

> You cannot compare the Holocaust with this ethinic cleansing by Serbs. I'm  
> going in this question with Milton Friedmann: this horrific ethnic clean-  
> sing isn't a *industrial annihilation* of millions of victims.

Well, yes, nico, we're not at the industrial annihilation point yet.  But
you could easily say we are at the mass relocation point, which came a
bit earlier than when the ovens really opened up.

What bothers me about Friedman and Company with this latest blitz of "this
is not the holocaust" claptrap is it is very evident that it is the
fascist Israeli/neo-liberal Jewish community who are making the argument;
I didn't know we'd put Friedman in charge of definitions, nor did I
realize there was some exclusivity in using the wird "holocaust;" that it
had to meet defintions supplied by Israel.  My guess is as long as the
term is being applied to people of the muslim faith, few in the Jewish
commumity will ever allow a comparison to the holocaust.

Hmmm.  Then Kampuchea and Pol Pot's actions weren't genocide either,
because instead of "industrial" techiques the Khmer Rouge used
+agricultural+ techniques.

> Human rights are indivisible. 

"Human rights" exist only in storybooks.  "Human rights" are whatever the
states say they are, and absent the state they are whatever the guy with
the biggest guns say.

If you can not defend it, it isn't a "right."  And if you can contract
with the state for it, it most certainly isn't "indivisible." 



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