File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 405

Subject: NATO doesn't want diplomacy
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 17:29:53 +0000

I saw a news report that was talking about how russia and 
serbia had drawn up a peace plan a few days ago. All of 
the specifics weren't worked out but essentialy the plan 
said that NATO has to end air raids _if_ serb forces pull 
out of kosovo, except for a section of northern kosovo 
that serbia wants to retain because "it has great 
historical signifigince to serbia and serbs" and the area 
would be ocupied by UN peacekeeping forces. Of course 
NATO rejected this because it wasn't a NATO peacekeeping 
force. Even though the annialation of kosova albanians 
would end and kosovo would become autonomous(which is 
what NATO says they are bombing because of). NATO really 
just wants to have control over the region, because they 
want to strengthen themselves as an organization and 
establish that they are not to be messed with. Even 
though the plan the russians and serbs had drawn up was 
fucking good, and would the god dam conflict, NATO 
refused. I think that the UN maybe needs to step in and 
show NATO that they can't just break international law 
and be big fucking bullies to the world like they are 
doing. and the UN also needs to deploy a peacekeeping 
force in kosovo and in serbia and to re-establish 
diplomatic relations between the KLA and serbia. god dam 
it, stop the fucking fighting already!


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