File spoon-archives/anarchy-list.archive/anarchy-list_1999/anarchy-list.9904, message 41

Date: 01 Apr 1999 06:53:00 +0200
From: (Nico MYOWNA)
Subject: Re: Yugoslavia/Appalachia

Hi Dave,

thank's for this wonderful clear words:

> Because in Spain in the 30s it  _wasn't_  just a case
> of fighting against fascism. Because in Spain in the 30s
> there was something to fight  _FOR_ . Because if you
> are going to risk death in a foreign country, it is not enough
> just to be avoiding something terrible, there has to be
> the possibility of achieving something wonderful. Because
> in Spain in the 30s it was quite clear that there was a side
> that was fascist and a side which (at least where the anarchists
> were concerned) wasn't. (Now you may think that is the case
> today, but surely it must be clear to you that a lot of people,
> a lot of anarchists, myself included, disagree with you about
> that.) Because those, such as George Orwell for instance,
> who went to fight in Spain did so  _without_  the support
> of their government, indeed positively discouraged by their
> government, and not as part of a multi-billion dollar war machine.
> And because, so far as I am aware, the only people who are going
> to Serbia as volunteers, and not as troops acting under the orders
> of their government, are Russians who are (from your point of view)
> on the "wrong" side.

I cann't name its better what is the problem with Kosovo. To fight for a  
american ekonomy system, a western parlamentarian system and a terretory  
of Kosovo albanian national soveranity cann't be our fight, isn't it?


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